entertaining toddlers:
- Rescue Pack -- Before my second daughter was born, I made a "rescue pack" of fun activities for my toddler to play with to give me some time to focus on my new baby. It has bubbles, playdough, markers, craft sticks, paints, stickers and paper. It has been very helpful, especially when other kids come over.
- Sing & Dance movies and educational movies -- I know what experts say... no TV under the age of 2 and only half an hour a week after (or something like that). But I have a hard time saying no to a movie if it helps my daughter learn the alphabet or if she's singing and dancing the whole time the TV is on. Obviously she isn't just vegging in front of the TV. She's learning something, and I'm getting something done, so it's worth it to me. Our favorites are The Wiggles and Brainy Baby. Now we have several songs and dances we like to do together!
- Cheap works-almost-every-time outdoor toys -- sand/water table with bubbles. Spray bottle. Pink broom/dust bin. Sidewalk chalk. Watering pail. My mom used to tell me to go "paint the sidewalk" and it always did the trick!
- When (before) all else fails, play with your toddler! -- I have found that when I play with Eva for awhile, she loves it, then she gets tired of me, and then she wants to play by herself. Cooking and cleaning can usually wait for awhile, and it's worth it when she finally decides to play by herself. Plus, I always feel better about myself and my relationships when I spend some quality one-on-one time with my little girls, even if I'm in the middle of making dinner.
new baby:
- portable bouncer -- best $12 we ever spent! It's so nice to be able to put the baby down in a safe, comfortable seat at a moment's notice, especially when there is another baby running around the house who often needs immediate attention. We use the bouncer all the time. Ours has a vibrating option and some hanging toys that the baby loves. Sometimes it's the only place I can put her down where she will actually stay asleep.
- find a pacifier that works -- if at first you don't succeed, try try again.
mommy rejuvination:
- If you can, make one room in the house completely off limits -- It's so nice to have a place that you don't have to worry about child proofing. Use a child proof door knob and a baby gate if necessary. I use both. My bedroom is my sanctuary because it actually stays as clean or as messy as I want it.
- Give yourself some time at the start of the day -- Even if it's just 5 minutes. I like to make the bed, put on clothes, brush my hair, and wash my face before I go get the kids out of bed. I'm less likely to be impatient with my kids because I'm not preoccupied with getting away to take care of myself.
- French braids :)
- Knit tops that don't require an under shirt + a flowy, knee-length skirt -- It's always a cute combination! This makes it easy to stay cool on a hot summer day, and that by itself makes me a nicer mom. It's also easy to pick an outfit, nurse a baby, and change clothes in case of a mess.
- Long skirts for church -- Thankfully, they're back in style! Long skirts means you don't have to shave your legs or wear pantyhose. Hallelujah!
what to do when you're at the end of you're rope:
- As a very wise person once told me (or rather, my very wise mother often tells me), "learn to fuzz your brain". I think it's her way of saying be OK with letting go of control and stress for awhile. Just ignore it. Honestly, I didn't understand "fuzz your brain" when she first told me many years ago. But now that I'm a mom, it is some of the best advice she has ever given me.
- Remember that someday the kids will grow up, and you will look back on these days with fondness. Here is what Thomas S. Monson has to say on this topic:
"If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will—to your surprise—miss them profoundly.
Stresses in our lives come regardless of our circumstances. We must deal with them the best we can. But we should not let them get in the way of what is most important—and what is most important almost always involves the people around us. Often we assume that they must know how much we love them. But we should never assume; we should let them know. Wrote William Shakespeare, “They do not love that do not show their love.” 3 We will never regret the kind words spoken or the affection shown. Rather, our regrets will come if such things are omitted from our relationships with those who mean the most to us." - Thomas S. Monson, Finding Joy in the Journey, October 2008 General Conference
battling the blues:
- take a long bath
- eat a hamburger and a big side of vegetables (red meat has iron and veggies are great anti-inflamatory foods -- great for an energy boost and feeling good about yourself) or a big green smoothie with spinach, orange juice and your favorite frozen fruits.
- take a nap in the sun, or go for a walk (alone) and sit on a sunny bench for awhile.
I loved this post. Thanks for sharing your tips! You are so genuine and you put so much thought into your advice. Thank you!